Spectrum Temperament Development is an interactive program designed to aid leaders in better understanding themselves and others.
The training is committed to developing leaders and enhancing relationships in order to increase overall efficiencies and inculcate a positive working culture through self-awareness, better communication and development of self and others.
Spectrum’s model classifies behavior into four distinct temperaments (also known as “color groups.” The model is based on the belief that individuals maintain the capacity to learn and develop into a more integrated and balanced leader. These are building blocks for self-aware leaders and engaged work teams to develop and sustain high-performing and resilient organizations that are aligned to strategic goal achievement.
Spectrum objectives and outcomes include:
Identifying you full color spectrum (also known as your temperament)
Understanding the full joys, values, and stressors of each color group
Recognizing the innate strengths and challenges of each color group
Helps to build cohesive teams that will strengthen trust
Helps build productivity and reduce stress in any type of environment
Gaining an appreciation for self and others
Building self-confidence, dignity, respect, and worthiness in self and others
Acknowledging your untapped potential within your Full Color Spectrum